Domy Španelsko
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What does real Sangria taste like? Like our potato salad!

What does real Sangria taste like? Like our potato salad!
12 Aug

What real sangria tastes like

Don't believe it? Sangria is like potato salad. Seriously. It's different every time because every family has their own recipe. Unlike the potato delicacy that most of us only indulge in at Christmas, Sangria is drunk all the time in Spain. Morning, afternoon, evening. The regular consumption of the delicious drink is helped in no small part by the fact that Spanish drivers are allowed 0.5 per mille behind the wheel. That's why they're not afraid to have a boost at breakfast...

What is this life-enhancer made of? It's based on good wine, ice, pieces of fruit and sometimes even mint or a little cinnamon. Stir, but don't shake. This is not a martini. Cane sugar, soda, and sometimes something spicier are added to taste. Then all you have to do is keep your glass full and tune in to the Southern wave of comfort.

What kind of wine? Spanish wine!

Spain has always had the perfect conditions for growing quality wine. However, until the third quarter of the 20th century, it was quantity over quality. Everything changed with Spain's entry into the European Union, when European money brought much-needed know-how and modern technology to the wine sector. Since then, the quality of the local wines has begun to be compared to that of Italian or French wines. However, you would be looking in vain for the familiar division of wines into table, land, quality and quality wines with an appellation. There is no need, because practically all wines have a high sugar content, and therefore in Spain you can get your hands on a quality wine even at a very low price.

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